You are not alone when faced with various obstacles in the journey of nurturing your special child.

We have compiled different kinds of social resources here for parents' reference. Such includes resources provided or subvented by the government, those which are non-subvented and self-financing, as well as mutual/self-help efforts. In compiling such resources, we focused on those catered for pre-school and school age children suspected or diagnosed with special education needs (SEN), with an aim of helping parents find support right from the start.

(The information about organizations and services compiled herein is for reference only. The Hong Kong Council of Social Service is not legally liable for its content and accuracy. Besides, the organizations and services listed are by no means exhaustive, service providers / users are welcome to contact to provide relevant information.)

Please chooseyour current situation

My Child has not been assessed

But I am worried about his/her development

My Child has been diagnosed with SEN

How can I support his/her healthy development?

I want to talk to someone

Where can I find professionals or other parents to seek advice?

1. My child has not been assessed

Pathways for seeking assessment and diagnosis

years old
Physical, visual or hearing impairment, multiple developmental problems such as attention deficit problem, motor coordination problems, or suspected autism spectrum disorder.
Secondary student
Learning and
Specialist Clinics of Hospital Authority
Refer as

2. My child has been diagnosed with SEN

To seek rehabilitation and learning support

With a clearer picture about your child's special education needs, you may like to learn about ways to support his / her adjustment to daily living and learning environment, so that they can develop healthily and actualize their potentials. The Social Welfare Department and Education Bureau provide services for pre-school and school-aged children respectively. Department of Health and Hospital Authority also provides follow up services. Besides, many social service organizations operate non-subvented and self-financed services to fill the service gap. These services are fee-charging and low income families may be eligible for concession / waiving of fees.

2.1 Government / subvented services for Pre-school children

Rehabilitation services for preschool children provided by the Social Welfare Department include the following:

Early Education and Training Centre

(0-6 years old) (commonly known as "E Place")
It provides early education and training for preschool children, with particular emphasis on helping parents / guardians / family members increase acceptance, understanding and ability to care for and support training of their children with special needs.

Special Child Care Centre

(2-6 years old) (commonly known as "S Place")
It provides centre-based intensive training and care for moderately and severely disabled children. In line with the implementation of Free Quality Kindergarten Education Policy in 2017/18 school year, fees charged by Special Child Care Centre would be exempted.

Integrated Programme in Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centre

(2-6 years old) (commonly known as "I Place")
It provides training and care to mildly disabled pre-schoolers in an ordinary kindergarten-cum-child care centre. 

Residential Special Child Care Centre

(2-6 years old)
Residential Special Child Care Centre provides residential care for children whose disability is so severe or complex that warrants intensive and continuous care and therapy, and disabled children who are homeless, abandoned, with adverse home or family environment and without an alternative placement, in order to protect and promote their health and well-being. Application procedures are the same as Special Child Care Centre. In line with the implementation of Free Quality Kindergarten Education Policy in 2017/18 school year, fees charged by Residential Special Child Care Centre would be exempted.

The above-mentioned "E Place", "S Place", "I Place" and Residential Special Child Care Centre are provided for children under the age of 6 who have been dignosed with special needs. Referrals can be made by social workers to the Central Referral System for Rehabilitation Services of the Social Welfare Department.

Occasional Child Care Service

(2-6 years old)
It provides a safe venue for parents or carers to place their disabled children (aged 2-6) for temporary care, to enable them to attend to personal or urgent matters, and thus minimize risks of having disabled children being left unattended at home. Parents can request service by making phone reservation with service centres providing occasional child care service, or walk-in during opening hours. 
Contact information of service centres providing occasional child care service

On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services

Inter-disciplinary service teams from the non-governmental organisations (NGOs) provide on-site services for pre-school children with mild disabilities and studying at participating kindergartens (KGs) and kindergarten-cum-child care centres (KG-cum-CCCs). Inter-disciplinary service teams also render support services to teachers/child care workers and parents/carers.

Referrals can be made by social workers or staff of rehabilitation service units to the Central Referral System for Rehabilitation Services of the SWD.

Training Subsidy Programme for Children on the Waiting List of Subvented Pre-school Rehabilitation Services

The government provides training subsidy for eligible children from low-income families and waitlisting for subvented pre-school rehabilitation services, so that they can acquire self-financing services run by Recognised Service Providers and receive necessary support as soon as possible to facilitate their learning and development. The Social Welfare Department will issue invitation letters to parent(s)/ guardian(s) of eligible children for application of the programme. The application form can also be accessed here.

In line with the implementation of Free Quality Kindergarten Education Policy in 2017/18 school year, Training Subsidy Programme applicants waitlisting for Special Child Care Centre would be exempted from means-test.

2.2 Government / subvented services for School-age children

Education and Learning Support

Students with severe SEN or multiple disabilities are referred to special schools for intensive support services subject to the assessment and recommendation of specialists and parents' consent. Other students with SEN are placed in ordinary schools. To learn more about how to support children with SEN, parents can refer to "Parent Guide on the Whole School Approach to Integrated Education", and relevant information on Education Bureau's website.

Day/ Residential Respite Service

Day or residential respite service for people with disabilities (including children aged 6 – 15) provides support and temporary relief for family members or carers to attend to their personal commitments or take a break, so as to relieve their stress.  Parents / carers can apply for service directly or via social workers of medical social services units, integrated family services centres, special schools or rehabilitation service units to the service units operating the day/ residential respite service.
Contact information of service units providing day respite service
Contact information of service units providing residential respite service
Search Vacancy of Designated Places of Residential Respite Service

Small Group Home for Mildly Mentally Handicapped Children / Integrated Small Group Home

Small Group Home for Mildly Mentally Handicapped Children provides stable, safe and home-like residential care service to children with mild mental handicap aged 6 - 18, whose families cannot give them adequate care. The service aims to nurture these children's overall growth and development, including physical, social, emotional and intellectual needs, until they can return to their families or have got a long term alternative placement.  To enhance these children's integration into the community, they can also receive residential care in Integrated Small Group Homes, each of which serves one child with mild mental handicap and seven ordinary children.

Referrals can be made by school social workers, medical social workers, staff of Integrated Family Service Centres and rehabilitation service units to the Central Referral System for Rehabilitation Services of the Social Welfare Department.

2.3 Other Government/ subvented services

Communication and Information Service for Visually Impaired Persons

It aims at meeting the needs of visually impaired users for reading and information. Through different kinds of adaptive technical aids and software, as well as Braille and talking books/ magazines, the service provides reading materials and music to visually impaired users to cater for their learning and leisure needs.
Contact information of concerned service unit

Multi-service Centre for Hearing Impaired Persons

The Multi-service Centre for Hearing Impaired Persons provides a full range of social rehabilitation services for persons with hearing impairment. The services provided include casework and counselling services, sign language interpretation services, ear-mould production and repair services, and audiological and speech therapy services. Referrals can be made by medical social workers, family caseworkers or NGO's staff to the service unit. Self-referrals are also accepted.
Contact information of Multi-service Centre for Hearing Impaired Persons

Social and Recreational Centre for the Disabled

It provides people with disabilities with opportunities to participate in and to organize a variety of activities which meet their social, recreational and developmental needs. Social and Recreational Centres for the Disabled are set up for the visually impaired, hearing impaired, physically handicapped and mentally handicapped respectively, and people with other disabilities and able-bodied persons are welcome to use the service.
Contact information of Social and Recreational Centres for the Disabled

District Support Centre for Persons with Disabilities

By adopting a district-based approach, it provides one-stop community support services for persons with disabilities and their family members / carers.  It aims at enhancing the domestic and community living skills for persons with disabilities so as to facilitate their integration into the community through the provision of a range of community support services.  It also provides training and support services to the family members / carers of persons with disabilities so as to strengthen their caring capacity and to relieve their stress.
Contact information of District Support Centres for Persons with Disabilities

Community-based Support Projects for Persons with Disabilities

The objectives of these projects emphasize on strengthening carers' caring capacity, relieving their stress, as well as providing persons with disabilities and their families a better quality of life.
Brief summary and contact information of projects

2.4 Non-subvented services

In recent years, many social service organizations have set up non-subvented service centres/ projects to provide support for children and youth with SEN and their families. The scope of service encompasses professional assessment, therapy/ training, enhancement of personal growth and development, counseling, social and recreational activities, parent education and support.

We have compiled a list of such service centres/ projects for pre-school and school aged children and youth, suspected or diagnosed with SEN and their family members. Parents can search for specific service centre/ project by the search engine below. (The information about organizations and services compiled herein is for reference only. The Hong Kong Council of Social Service is not legally liable for its content and accuracy. Besides, the organizations and services listed are by no means exhaustive, service providers / users are welcome to contact to provide relevant information.)

3.  I want to talk to someone

Are you struggling with…

  • Suspecting that your child is "different", and yet worried about the negative labeling that a diagnosis would bring upon him/ her
  • Unsettled emotions while waiting for an assessment
  • The tremendous blow that comes with the diagnosis
  • Finding appropriate therapies for your child, or handling his/ her troubled emotions and behaviours?

It is just normal to feel devastated on learning that your child may have a disability. Such is shared by many parents who have also been faced with similar situation. The real reason is: we all love our children. Yet don't forget it's important to care for your own emotional needs before you could take good care of your children, be their constant support while they encounter numerous challenges in the future. So, please seek professional assistance or talk to another parent of a child with a disability. Build a strong support network and don't take all responsibilities on your own shoulders.

Support resources for parents:
Telephone Enquiry Service (TES)

Manned by registered social workers, "TES" seeks to serve parents whose children are on the waiting list for pre-school rehabilitation services or suspected with developmental delay. Rehabilitation information, appropriate service referrals and emotional support are provided.

Service Hotline2668 2250

Service scope:

  1. Information on child development and assessment
  2. Answering parents' enquiry on preschool rehabilitation service
  3. Information on preschool rehabilitation and community resources
  4. Emotional support for parents
  5. Service referrals
Parents / Relatives Resource Centre

Provides a focal point for parents / relatives / carers of persons with similar disabilities / rehabilitation needs to share experience and support each other.
Contact information of Subvented Parents/ Relatives Resource Centres
Contact information of Self-financing Parents/ Relatives Resource Centres

Self-help Groups

Self-help groups are usually formed by people/ families facing similar situations, to provide mutual support through sharing experiences and information, as well as advocacy efforts.

We have compiled a list of self-help groups related to Special Education Needs (SEN) and parents can search for specific groups by the search engine below. (The information about organizations and services compiled herein is for reference only. The Hong Kong Council of Social Service is not legally liable for its content and accuracy. Besides, the organizations and services listed are by no means exhaustive, service providers / users are welcome to contact to provide relevant information.)

Non-subvented services provided by social service organizations

In recent years, many social service organizations have set up non-subvented service centres/ projects to provide support for children and youth with SEN and their families. The scope of service encompasses professional assessment, therapy/ training, enhancement of personal growth and development, counseling, social and recreational activities, parent education and support.

We have compiled a list of such service centres/ projects for pre-school and school aged children and youth, suspected or diagnosed with SEN and their family members. Parents can search for specific service centre/ project by the search engine below. (The information about organizations and services compiled herein is for reference only. The Hong Kong Council of Social Service is not legally liable for its content and accuracy. Besides, the organizations and services listed are by no means exhaustive, service providers / users are welcome to contact to provide relevant information.)

4. SEN Social Resources Search Engine

Your search did not match any social resources.

Your search did not match any social resources.

Contact Us

Maternal & Child Health Centres

The Family Health Service of Department of Health has launched Developmental Surveillance Scheme in all Maternal & Child Health Centres (MCHC), to provide parents information on child development and parenting, and monitor children’s development. If your child does not perform as expected in certain areas of development, the nurse will follow up, or arrange a preliminary developmental assessment by a doctor. Referral to Child Assessment Service or specialist will be arranged if needed. If you have any query or worry about your child’s development, please do not hesitate to enquire at any MCHC.

Information about child development

Audio-Visual Resources
Online learning Platform

Contact information of MCHC

Kindergartens/ Child Care Centres

If a KG teacher or child care worker detects that a child has health, developmental or behavioral problems, he or she would communicate with the parents for a timely referral to MCHC. MCHC would then contact the parents to arrange for assessment and referral to Child Assessment Service or other specialists if needed. If you have any query or worry about your child’s development, please do not hesitate to communicate with KG teacher or child care worker.

Leaflet on Understanding Your Child's Development For Parents of Preschool Children

Registered doctors/ psychologist

Parents can also consult family doctor / pediatrician or health personnel for advice. Children in need can be referred by registered doctors/ psychologists to Child Assessment Service for assessment and diagnosis and follow up by other specialists under Hospital Authority.

Child assessment service provided by Department of Health/ Hospital Authority

The Child Assessment Service of the Department of Health provides comprehensive assessment and diagnostic evaluation services for children under 12 years of age with developmental problems. Rehabilitation plan will be formulated based on children’s needs and family situation, with referral and follow up to be arranged accordingly. Interim support activities such as talks, parent workshops and practical training are provided for parents to enhance their understanding of children's developmental problems and social resources, so as to enable them to help their children at home. Please refer to the Assessment Service Flowchart.

Common Developmental Conditions
Contact information of Child Assessment Centres
Assessment and diagnosis service provided by the Hospital Authority

Result of assignment/ diagnosis

Please refer to Feature Story: 《When The Diagnosis Comes》


Early Identification and Intervention of Learning Difficulties Programme for Primary One Pupils
Annually, between December and January, teachers complete the checklist for the screening of primary one pupils suspected of having learning difficulties, so that early intervention can be provided. Parents may discuss with teachers the need of completing the checklist for their children. For details, please refer to the pamphlet.

If you are concerned that your child may have learning and adjustment difficulties (e.g. reading and writing problems, delayed intellectual development), speech and language impairments…
You can contact the school for initial follow up support. Schools will make referrals to Education Bureau for students in need of specialist assessment (by Education Psychologist, Speech Therapist, etc.) after obtaining parent's consent.

Seek medical referral (private pracitioners/ out-patient clinics/ Student Health Service of Department of Health)

If you are concerned that your child may have physical, visual or hearing impairment, or multiple developmental problems such as attention deficit problem, motor coordination problems, or suspected autism spectrum disorder…

You can seek medical referral through private doctors, general outpatient clinics or Student Health Service of the Department of Health, for assessment and diagnosis provided by Child Assessment Service of Department of Health or Child Assessment Centre (Hong Kong University) of The Duchess of Kent Children's Hospital under the Hospital Authority.

Contact information of all general out-patient clinics under Hospital Authority
Contact information of Student Health Service of Department of Health

Assessment service of Education Bureau

The Education Bureau (EDB) provides assessment service for students attending government and aided primary and secondary schools who have special education needs. Specialist assessments are provided by educational psychologists and speech therapists on need basis. With reference to the assessment results and recommendations of the specialists, appropriate education and support services will be provided by schools for the students and their parents. Hearing aids, earmoulds and related audiological services are also provided by EDB. If the child is suspected to have other conditions such as motor coordination problems, attention deficit problem or autism spectrum disorder, consultation will be made with parents and teachers on the need for referral to the specialist clinics of the Department of Health or Hospital Authority for diagnosis.

Useful telephone numbers:
  • General Enquiries:
    2891 0088
  • Special Education Resources Centre:
    3698 3900
  • Special Education Services (including speech therapy service)
    • Special Education Services General Office (Kowloon Tong Education Services Centre):
      3698 3957
    • Ha Kwai Chung Special Education Services Centre:
      2307 6251

Child assessment service provided by Department of Health/ Hospital Authority

The Child Assessment Service of the Department of Health provides comprehensive assessment and diagnostic evaluation services for children under 12 years of age with developmental problems. Rehabilitation plan will be formulated based on children’s needs and family situation, with referral and follow up to be arranged accordingly. Interim support activities such as talks, parent workshops and practical training are provided for parents to enhance their understanding of children's developmental problems and social resources, so as to enable them to help their children at home. Please refer to the Assessment Service Flowchart.

Information on Childhood Developmental Disorders
Contact information of Child Assessment Centres
Assessment and diagnosis service provided by the Hospital Authority

Benji's Centre

- Fu Cheong Centre

Type of SEN: Speech and Language Impairment

Room 102B, 1/F., Fu Cheong Shopping Centre, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon

Benji's Centre

- Shatin Centre

Type of SEN: Speech and Language Impairment

Room 155, 167, 171, Ming Shun House, Jat Min Chuen, Shatin, New Territories


- Caritas Jockey Club Integrated Service for Young People - Tak Tin - project for supporting children with Specific Learning Difficulties and their parents)

Type of SEN: Specific Learning Difficulties

1/F., Tak King House, Tak Tin Estate, Lam Tin, Kowloon


- Human Empowerment & Achievement Training (HK Island Centre), Caritas Family Service

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

Room 132, 1/F, Caritas House, 2 Caine Road, Central, H.K.


Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong

- Wong Chuen King Student Development Centre

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

1/F., Sai Wan Ho Building, 46-56 Sai Wan Ho Street, Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong


Ebenezer School and Home for the Visually Impaired

- Ebenezer Early Intervention Programme for Visually Impaired Children

Type of SEN: Visual Impairment

131 Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong


Ebenezer School and Home for the Visually Impaired

- Resource Support Programme

Type of SEN: Visual Impairment

131 Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong


Fu Hong Society

- Hin Dip Centre

Type of SEN: Autism Spectrum Disorders

2/F., Fu Hong Society Rehabilitation Centre, 85 Yue Kwong Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong


Fu Hong Society

- Hin Dip Hong Yee Centre

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

Unit A, 20/F, Kings Tower, 111 King Lam Street, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong


Haven of Hope Christian Service

- Haven Of Hope Sunnyside Enabling Centre (Causeway Bay)

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

17/F, Congregation House, 119 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay

Heep Hong Society

- Jordan Child Health & Development Centre (Supportive Learning Project)

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

UMP Medical Centre (Jordan), 15/F, 238 Nathan Road, Kowloon


Heep Hong Society

- Prince Centre (Supportive Learning Project)

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

Second Floor, Prince Centre, 70 Tai Po Road, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon


Heep Hong Society

- Yuen Long Centre (Supportive Learning Project)

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

20/F, Glassview Commercial Building, 65 Castle Peak Road, Yuen Long, N.T.


Heep Hong Society

- Manulife Children's Resources Centre (Supportive Learning Project)

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

7, Ping Tin Street, Lam Tin, Kowloon


Heep Hong Society

- Tai Hang Tung Centre (Supportive Learning Project)

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

G/F, 10-14, Tung Moon House, Tai Hang Tung Estate, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon.


Hong Kong Children & Youth Services

- Red Team

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

6/F., 23 Catham Rd S., Tsim Shui Tsui, Kowllon

Hong Kong Christian Service

- Project Bridge for Children's Development

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

2/F, Kwun Tong Community Centre, 17 Tsui Ping Rd, Kwun Tong, Kowloon

Hong Kong Phab Association

- Youth development

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

Room 106-110, G/F., Lung Yue House, Lower Wong Tai Sin Estate (I), Kowloon

Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children

- Center for Child Enlightenment

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

1/F., Lower Block, 387 Portland Street, Mong Kok, Kowloon (near Prince Edward MTR Station Exit D)


H.K.S.K.H. Lady MacLehose Centre

- Family Activity & Resource Centre

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

Rm.002, 22 Wo Yi Hop Road, Kwai Chung, N.T.

Kwun Tong Methodist Social Service

- Happy Learning Assessment and Training Centre

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

G/F, Pak Ling Lau, Garden Building, Ngau Tau Kok, Kwun Tong, Kowloon

Otic Foundation

Type of SEN: Hearing Impairment

Unit 1705, 17/F, Tower 2, Enterprise Square One, 9 Sheung Yuet Road, Kowloon Bay


- Child Development Services (Fortress Hill)

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

6/F., AT Tower, Electric Rd., 180, North Point, Hong Kong


- Child Development Services (Lok Fu)

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

No. 9-17, Wang Chui House, Wang Tau Hom Estate, Kowloon


- Child Development Services (Shek Wai Kok )

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

No.101-119, G/F., Shek Ho House, Shek Wai Kok Estate, Tsuen Wan, New Territories


- Child Development Services (Lung Hang)

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

No. 118-125, G/F., Sin Sam House, Lung Hang Estate


- Supportive Programme for Adults with High Functioning ASD

Type of SEN: Autism Spectrum Disorders

No. 101-106., Wang Hing House, Wang Tau Hom Estate, Kowloon


S.K.H. St. Christopher's Home

- Clinical Psychological Service

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

15/F., The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Building, 21 Pak Fuk Road, North Point, HK.


South Kwai Chung Service Centre

- Speech Therapy Service

Type of SEN: Speech and Language Impairment

4/F., On King House, Lai King Estate., Kwui Chung, New Territories

St James Settlement

- Uncle James Child Development Center (Wan Chai)

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

100 Kennedy Rd., Kennedy Town, Hong Kong

St James Settlement

- Uncle James Child Development Centre (Tin Shui Wai)

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

Room 603, 6/F., Tin Chak Estate Ancillary Facilities Block, Tin Shui Wai, New Territories

Tai Po Baptist Church Social Service

- Centre of Children with Special Education Needs

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

G/F., Heng Cheong Estate, Fu Heng Estate, Shatin, New Territories

The Boys' & Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong

- HSBC TSW Children Learning and Support Centre

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

Room 104, 1/F., Tin Shui Wai Ching Community Integrated Services Building., Tin Shui Wai, New Territories

The Child Development Centre

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

Unit 7, 4/F, Victoria Centre, 15 Watson Road, Fortress Hill, Hong Kong


The Church of United Brethen in Christ Social Service Division

- The Church of United Brethren in Christ Shatin Parent Resources Centre

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

Rm 206-208, Sun Yuet House & Rm 228-230, Sun Wai House, Sun Chui Estate, Shatin, N.T.

The Church of United Brethen in Christ Social Service Division

- The Church of United Brethren in Christ Whampoa Integrated Children and Youth Service Centre

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

1/F, Screen World (Site 8), Whampoa Garden, Hung Hom, Kowloon

The Hong Kong Down Syndrome Association

- Regional Networks from Parents of Children with Down Syndrome – The SHARE Project

Type of SEN: Intellectual Disability

G/F, Wing A, Chun Tung House, Tung Tau Estate, Kowloon, Hong Kong.


The Hong Kong Down Syndrome Association

- Jockey Club Down Syndrome Centre

Type of SEN: Intellectual Disability

Rooftop, On Hing House, Hing Wah (II) Estate, Chai Wan, Hong Kong


The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups

- Project Bridge

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

Units 7-10, G/F , Wing Lok House, Fuk Loi Estate, Tsuen Wan, New Territories (Tsuen Wan MTR Station Exit A3)

The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups

- The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Group Jocky Club Study Support Center

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

54 Bedford Rd, HKFYG Jocky Club Student Support Centre, Tai Kok Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

The Hong Kong Society for the Blind

- Deafblind Rehabilitation Programme

Type of SEN: Others

Room 822, 8/F, West Wing, The Hong Kong Society of Blind, 248 Nam Cheong Street, Shamshuipo, Kowloon.


The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf

- Kowloon Centre

Type of SEN: Hearing Impairment

Room 513-516, Kar Man House, Oi Man Estate, Kowloon

The Neighborhood Advice-Action Council

- The Practice Research and Training Centre on Autism

Type of SEN: Autism Spectrum Disorders

3/F, Tsz Wan Shan (South) Community Centre, Tsz Wan Shan, Kowloon


The Salvation Army

- SKY Family and Child Development Centre (Wan Chai)

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

Room 406, Education and Development Centre, 6 Salvation Army Street, Wan Chai, HK

The Pathways Foundation Limited

- The Pathways Kowloon Learning Centre

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

Unit 1-3, 1/F, Island Centre, 470 Reclamation Street, Mong Kok, Kowloon


The Pathways Foundation Limited

- The Pathways Shatin Learning Centre

Type of SEN: Specific Learning Difficulties

G/F, Hin Fu House, Hin Keng Estate, Shatin, N.T.


Tung Wah Group of Hospitals

- Centre for Family Wellness and Child Development

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

8/F, Tung Sun Commercial Centre, 194-200 Lockhart Rd., Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Yan Chai Hospital

- Yan Chai Hospital Cheng Yu Tung Child Development Centre

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

Rm 227-288, Shek Fong House, Shek Wai Kok Estate, Tsuen Wan, New Territories

Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service

- Learning Support and Development Centre

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

2/F, Yun Kai Building, 446-472 Nathan Rd, Yau Ma Tei, Hong Kong

Evangellical Lutheran Church Social Service

- Clinical Psychology Support Service

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

Rm 901-903, 9/F Tai Shing Commercial Yaumati Building, 498-500 Nathan Road, Yaumatei, Kowloon

Rainbow Project Learning Centre

Type of SEN: Autism Spectrum Disorders

G/F Yuen Fai Court, 10 Sai Yuen Lane, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong Island, Sai Wan


HKEC Yan Lam Community Service Centre

- Community support service for children with SEN

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

Wing B and C, G/F, Ching Ping House, Ching Ho Estate, Sheung Shui, New Territories

Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Limited

- We Love: Jockey Club Centre For Family Enhancement

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

3/F, Holy Trinity Bradbury Centre, 139 Ma Tau Chung Road, Kowloon.

Louis Program Training Centre

Type of SEN: Autism Spectrum Disorders

4/F, 90 Portland Street, Yaumatei, Kowloon



- “True Colours”Autism Support Service

Type of SEN: Autism Spectrum Disorders

No. 101-106., Wang Hing House, Wang Tau Hom Estate, Kowloon


Heep Hong Society

- Executive Function Training Programme for Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD)

Type of SEN: Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivty Disorder

No. 1, G/F, Tung Yu House, Tai Hang Tung Estate, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon.

Heep Hong Society

Type of SEN: Autism Spectrum Disorders

G/F & 1/F, Hoi Yan House, Hoi Fu Court, Hoi Wang Road, Mongkok, Kowloon


Heep Hong Society

Type of SEN: Specific Learning Difficulties

No. 1, G/F, Tung Yu House, Tai Hang Tung Estate, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon.


Heep Hong Society

- Central Child Development Centre (Supportive Learning Project)

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

25/F (Paediatrics and Child Health Centre), International Medical Center, 22 Des Voeux Road, Central


Heep Hong Society

- Shek Mun Centre (Supportive Learning Project)

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

Shop 138, King Wing Plaza I, Shek Mun


Autism Partnership Foundation

Type of SEN: Autism Spectrum Disorders

Unit 1103, 11/F, Sun Cheong Industrial Building, No.1 Cheung Shun Street, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong


Tung Wah Group of Hospitals

- TWGHs Centre on Family Development Jockey Club "Parents as Coaches" Project

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

Unit 109-110, Kwai Yuen House, Chuk Yuen (South) Estate, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon

Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service

- Shatin Family Education and Support Centre

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

G/F, Yan Wai House, Sun Tin Wai Estate, Shatin, N.T.

The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon

- Lok Sin Tong Yang Xiao Ling Speech Therapy Centre

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

Hong Kong Weaving Mills Assoication Education Centre 189 Prince Edward Road West, Kln., H.K.


St James Settlement

- Uncle James Child Development Centre (Central)

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

Room G01, G/F., Central Plaza, Queen Road Central No 99., Central, Hong Kong

Watchdog Limited

- Watchdog Early Education Centre

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

G/F, 12 Borrett Road, Central, HK


Watchdog Limited

- Watchdog Early Education Centre

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

4 Jordan Road, Kowloon,Hong Kong


Caritas, Hong Kong

- Human Empowerment & Achievement Training (Tsuen Wan Centre), Caritas Family Service

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

9/F, 9 Shing Mun Road, Tsuen Wan



Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN


- Project EASE

Type of SEN: Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivty Disorder

No. 9-17, Wang Chui House, Wang Tau Hom Estate, Kowloon


- Support project for ASD children

Type of SEN: Autism Spectrum Disorders

No. 9-17, Wang Chui House, Wang Tau Hom Estate, Kowloon

Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service

- Support Centre for Persons with Autism Service

Type of SEN: Autism Spectrum Disorders

Unit 1408 & 1411, 14/F, Telford House, 16 Wang Hoi Road, Kowloon Bay


The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon

- Lok Sin Tong Mok Yip Sui Hung Child Development Centre

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

30/F Times Media Cantre, 133 Wan Chai Rd, Wan Chai

Society for the Welfare of the Autistic Persons

Type of SEN: Autism Spectrum Disorders

Room 210-214 Block 19, Shek Kip Mei Estate, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

The Parents Association of Autistic Children in Mainstream Education

Type of SEN: Autism Spectrum Disorders

Pamela Youde Child Assessment Centre, 2/F, 31-33 Chap Wai Kon St, Yuen Chau Kok, Shatin, N.T.
(Correspondence address only)

Hong Kong Association of the Deaf

- Choi Hung Service Centre & Kowloon Office

Type of SEN: Hearing Impairment

Room 109 & 111-118, Chi Mei House, Choi Hung Estate, Kowloon.

Hong Kong Association of the Deaf

- Southern District Service Centre & HK Island Office

Type of SEN: Hearing Impairment

No. 18, G/F Lei Chak House, Ap Lei Chau Estate, H.K.


Type of SEN: Hearing Impairment

G01, Tsui Tin House, Pak Tin Estate, Shamshuipo, Kowloon

HK Cornea Concern Association

Type of SEN: Visual Impairment

Community Rehabilitation Network, The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation, G/F Wang Lai House, Wang Tau Hom Estate, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon
(Correspondence address only)

Retina Hong Kong

Type of SEN: Visual Impairment

Room 101, Lai Huen House, Lai Kok Estate, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon.

Care The Visually Impaired

Type of SEN: Visual Impairment

No. 14, G/F Oi Chak House, Oi Tung Estate, Shaukeiwan, H.K.

HK Glaucoma Patients' Association

Type of SEN: Visual Impairment

Community Rehabilitation Network, The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation, G/F, Block 6, Kornhill Garden, 1120 King's Rd, Quarry Bay, H.K.
(Correspondence address only)

HK Association of Squint and Double Vision Sufferers

Type of SEN: Visual Impairment

Community Rehabilitation Network, The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation, G/F Ping Chi House, Tai Ping Estate, Sheung Shui, N.T.
(Correspondence address only)

Hong Kong Blind Union

- Head Office

Type of SEN: Visual Impairment

Unit 13-20, G/F, Tsui Ying House, Tsui Ping Estate, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.


Hong Kong Blind Union

- Jockey Club Vocational and Educational Resources Centre

Type of SEN: Visual Impairment

Unit 13-20, G/F, Tsui Ying House, Tsui Ping Estate, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.


Hong Kong Blind Union

- Services Centre

Type of SEN: Visual Impairment

Unit 621 – 624, Kar Man House, Oi Man Estate, Ho Man Tin, Kowloon, Hong Kong.


Hong Kong Blind Union

- Accessible Digital Technology Centre

Type of SEN: Visual Impairment

Unit 13-20, G/F, Tsui Ying House, Tsui Ping Estate, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong


The Hong Kong Joint Council of Parents of the Mentally Handicapped

Type of SEN: Intellectual Disability

No. 21-24, G/F Nam On House, Nam Shan Estate, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon.

The Parents' Association of Pre-school Handicapped Children

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

No. 1-2A, G/F Tsz Fung House, Fung Tak Estate, Diamond Hill, Kowloon.

The Intellectually Disabled Education and Advocacy League

Type of SEN: Intellectual Disability

No. 1-3, G/F Cheong Yin House, Nam Cheing Estate, Shamshuipo, Kowloon.


Chosen Power (People First Hong Kong)

Type of SEN: Intellectual Disability

No. 3-10, G/F Nam Yat House, Nam Shan Estate, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon.

The Association of Parents of the Severly Mentally Handicapped

Type of SEN: Intellectual Disability

Shatin Central Post Office Box No. 951
(Correspondence address only)

Direction Association For The Handicapped

Type of SEN: Physical Disability

Unit 3, Podium, Choi Ming Shopping Centre (Extension), Kin Ming Estate, Tseung Kwan O

Winward Association For The Handicapped

Type of SEN: Physical Disability

Library, 2/F Yan Oi Tong Jockey Club Community & Sports Centre, 18 Kai Man Path, Tuen Mun

Hong Kong Association for Parents of Peoples with Physical Disabilities

Type of SEN: Physical Disability

Ha Kwai Chung Child Assessment Centre, 2/F, Ha Kwai Chung Polyclinic & Special Education Services Centre, 77 Lai Cho Road, Kwai Chung, N.T.
(Correspondence address only)

Rehabilitation Alliance Hong Kong

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

12-13 & 16-17, G/F, Wang Hau House, Wau Tau Hom Estate, Kowloon

Hong Kong Association for Specific Learning Disabilities

Type of SEN: Specific Learning Difficulties

Unit 44, G/F, Chui King House, Choi Hung Estate, Ngau Chi Wan, Kowloon

Hong Kong Association for AD/HD

Type of SEN: Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivty Disorder

P.O. Box No. 526, Fanling Post Office, N.T., HK
(Correspondence address only)

Hong Kong Parents Association for the Hearing-impaired

Type of SEN: Hearing Impairment

Community Rehabilitation Network, The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation, G/F Wang Lai House, Wang Tau Hom Estate, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon
(Correspondence address only)

Hong Kong Blind Union

- Jockey Club E-Learning For All Project

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

Room 1202, 12/F, Houtex Industrial Building, 16 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon.

TALK Foundation Limited

- Love. V. Act

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

Room N, 8/F International Industrial Centre, 2-8 Kwei Tei Street, Fo Tan, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong

Special Education Needs & Parents Association Limited

Type of SEN: More than one type of SEN

Wing 1, G/F Yan Yi House, Tin Yan Estate